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Create your first compute environment

Creating a volume​

cgc volume create <name> --size <size> -sc <storage_class>

  • -s - size in GiB of your volume
  • -sc, --storage-class - storage class of your volume

For the created volume to be accessible, it needs to be mounted to a resource.


$ cgc volume create getting-started -s 10
Volume getting-started of size 10Gi GB on SSD created from imported module. Volume is ReadWriteMany.

List of existing volumes​

List all created volumes:

cgc volume list


$ cgc volume list
name used size type disks type mounted to
--------------- ------ ------ ------------- ------------ ------------
getting-started 7.67M 10Gi ReadWriteMany SSD

Compute create​

To create your first compute resource, you need to specify the name and type of entity for the compute resource.

$ cgc compute create <entity> --name --gpu -gpu-type --cpu --memory --volume


  • entity - i.e. tensorflow-jupyter | pytorch-jupyter
  • -n, --name - name of the compute resource
  • -g, --gpu - quantity of attached GPUs, max 8 per notebook
  • -gt, --gpu-type - type of attached GPU (A100 | V100 | A5000) default = A5000
  • -c, --cpu - cpu core count
  • -m, --memory - amount of attached RAM in GiB
  • -v, --volume - volume to mount name of volume


$ cgc compute create -n getting-jupyter -c 2 -m 4 -g 1 -gt A100 -v getting-started tensorflow-jupyter

tensorflow-jupyter Pod getting-jupyter has been created! Mounted volumes: getting-started
Accessible at:
Jupyter token: f660c69776c647eba6d895c312388a0c

Output provides an accessible URL and generated token. Token can be changed at first login.

List of existing compute resources​

If you want to see the list of your existing compute resources, you can use the list command.

$ cgc compute list


$ cgc compute list
name type status volumes mounted CPU cores RAM GPU type GPU count URL
--------------- ------------------ -------- ----------------- ----------- ----- ---------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------
getting-jupyter tensorflow-jupyter Running getting-started 2 4Gi V100 1

To see Jupyter token add -d flag for more details.