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Application events

Every application can generates logs. Logs are a valuable source of information for troubleshooting and monitoring.

Events are TTL messages that are generated by the system when an application is created, started, stopped, or deleted.

Default TTL is 1 or 24 hours (depending on the CGC cluster configuration). After that, the system will drop the event.

Accessing events​

To access events, use the following command:

cgc events APP_NAME

The command will display system messages and the reason for the event for the specified application, for all their containers.

message                                                                              reason
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Pulling image "alpine" Pulling
Successfully pulled image "alpine" in 1.213184608s (1.213198894s including waiting) Pulled
Created container custom Created
Started container custom Started

Resource not starting​

If the application is not starting, check the logs for the reason. The most common reasons are:

  • the image is not available
  • the image is not accessible
  • the image is not compatible with the CGC cluster (x86_64 architecture)

In CGC v1 the system will automatically remove the application if it is not starting, after 10 minutes. In CGC v2 the system will keep the application in the "Pending" state. You are not charged for the application in the "Pending" state.