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Label Studio ML Backend

The Label Studio ML backend is an SDK that lets you wrap your machine learning code and turn it into a web server. The web server can be connected to a running Label Studio instance to automate labeling tasks.

How to run it​

This is helper container, you don't need to interact with it directly. All operations are handled by Label Studio.
It's important to run this with GPU, as it's used for inference of your model.

cgc compute create -n auto-yolo -c 2 -m 8 autolabel-yolo -g 1 -gt a5000 -d label_studio_url=<LABEL_STUDIO_URL> -d label_studio_api_key=<LABEL_STUDIO_API_KEY>


  • name - auto-yolo is just an example name, you can use any name you want. It is used to connect ML backend to Label Studio from project settings.
  • label_studio_url - URL to your Label Studio instance, you need running Label Studio instance to use this.
  • label_studio_api_key - API key to your Label Studio instance, you can generate it in Label Studio web interface. Please refer here

Default port is 9090 - you are going to use ML Backend internaly so valid URL that must be provided into label studio project is

How to use it​

For further steps on how to use it go to Label Studio ML Backend